What Is Periodontics?

Periodontics is a field of dentistry concerned with treating conditions that affect gum tissue, periodontal ligaments and the bone tissue that surrounds teeth. If you are suffering from gum disease, a periodontist is a person that you need to see for treatment.

Periodontics covers several typical areas, which this article will explain in detail below.

Treatment for mild gum disease (Gingivitis)

Mild gum disease, also called gingivitis, is the only form of gum disease that is reversible. If you have mild gum disease, you'll notice that your gums may be red and swollen from time to time. Your gums may also bleed when you brush your teeth. Gingivitis is the result of plaque buildup along the gum line. And if not cleaned regularly, plaque hardens into tartar.

Both plaque and tartar irritate gum tissue because both substances are acidic. A periodontist can treat and reverse gingivitis by performing a dental cleaning to remove plaque and tartar from your teeth and along the gum line. As long as you keep your teeth and gums clean after treatment, gingivitis will not return.

Treatment for severe gum disease (Periodontitis)

Once gum disease progresses into periodontal disease, the condition cannot be reversed with treatment. However, with treatment, your gums and bone tissue may recover in time.

To treat periodontal disease, periodontists can perform root planing and scaling. This involves scraping plaque, tartar and bacteria from above and below the gum line. The bacteria that cause periodontal disease often hide below the gum tissue, on tooth roots and the bone surrounding those roots. Periodontists scrape away these bacteria before smoothing the root and bone surface.

After root scaling and planing, periodontists replace gum tissue around the roots of teeth to prevent further incursions by oral bacteria. Sometimes, periodontal abscesses form in gum tissue too. Periodontists treat these gum abscesses too.

Treatment that involves dental implant and associated conditions

Periodontics also involves placing dental implants and treating conditions that affect dental implants, such as peri-implantitis. If you'd like to replace teeth with dental implants, then a periodontist can perform this treatment for you. And if your dental implants become infected in future, you can see a periodontist for treatment of the condition. Periodontists perform bone grafts too, which is necessary when an infection has destroyed the supporting bone that surrounds teeth or dental implants.

If you are suffering from gum disease or your dental implants have become infected, seek out a periodontist near you. With their help, you can treat conditions that affect the gum and bone tissue that support your teeth.
