Tweaking Your Diet to Support Better Dental Health

Protecting your oral health is about much more than making sure you have a dazzling smile. When you keep your teeth healthy, you may also be reducing your risk of heart disease and arthritis. As the bacteria that cause plaque can cause problems elsewhere in your body, it makes sense to keep it as low as possible. Alongside maintaining regular appointments with your dentist, you should focus on tweaking your diet.

Reducing Alcohol

As a healthy adult, you should avoid drinking more than 10 standard drinks a week. This means a drink that contains less than 10 grams of pure alcohol. If you're routinely drinking more, you may be eroding the enamel on your teeth. Eroding the enamel makes it easier for plaque to form and can increase tooth sensitivity. The dehydration that comes with alcohol consumption also makes it easier for plaque-causing bacteria to breed. Try changing some of your alcoholic drinks for water to achieve better health overall.

Alter Your Smoothies

Smoothies are an excellent way to get a quick hit of vitamins and increase your daily fruit and vegetable intake. When those smoothies focus more on fruit than vegetables, though, you're also exposing your teeth to acids and sugars. The acids will wear down your enamel and the sugars make it easier for bad bacteria to breed. Avoid drinking more than one small glass of fruit juice or smoothie a day. If you use smoothies as a part of your diet, try switching to those that prioritise vegetables instead.

Switch Out Your Sugars

It's easy to both consciously and subconsciously add sugar to your diet. For example, if you love to drink cold coffee it's tempting to add in whipped cream or a sugary sauce. And without realising it, the types of bread and pasta you consume can increase the sugar in your mouth. Try keeping a food diary and identify areas where you could consume less sugar. With time, those changes will come naturally.

Boost Your Protein Levels

Protein strengthens your teeth in a couple of ways. When it's rich in vitamins D and C, it helps to strengthen your teeth from within. As it requires more chewing than a lot of starchy and sugary foods, it strengthens your jaw with every movement you make. Having a stronger jaw benefits your teeth overall and can enhance your bone density. With greater bone density, you're less likely to have your teeth weaken or fall out prematurely.

Contact a dentist for more information. 
