3 Dental Treatments: A Guide

When it comes to dental services, there are many different types of treatment available. This article explores three types of treatment offered by a dentist.

Teeth Cleaning

Even if you brush your teeth properly at home, hard deposits may remain and require professional cleaning. Regular cleaning at the dentist can help prevent gum disease and other problems. A dental hygienist will use a dental ultrasonic scaler and hand-scaler to clean your teeth to remove plaque and tartar. These deposits can lead to cavities, gingivitis, and periodontal disease.

Another procedure called scaling is an invasive procedure that involves deep cleaning of your teeth and gum tissues. It is used to remove plaque and tartar and is recommended for those with gum disease. It also involves smoothing the roots of teeth, which encourages gum reattachment.


Extraction can help restore a damaged tooth or save an infected tooth. A dental professional can also replace a missing tooth with a prosthetic replacement. The procedure can be simple or complex and depends on the nature of the tooth. A simple extraction involves lifting a tooth and separating its root from the gum tissue. This procedure can be performed with local anesthesia.

In most cases, a simple extraction is not necessary. Simple extractions can be done in a dental practice without the need for a surgical procedure. In a surgical extraction, the dentist makes an incision into the tooth's connective tissue to extract it. This procedure is usually done in a dental office, and local anesthetic is typically used to help reduce the discomfort.

Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening dental services can help you achieve a brighter smile in just a few treatments. The process begins with the removal of plaque and debris from your teeth. A whitening gel is then applied. A laser or heat lamp will activate the gel to make it appear whiter. Afterward, you will need to follow a few simple steps to maintain your new smile. Brush your teeth twice a day, especially after meals.

After the whitening process, you can enjoy a brighter smile in a few weeks. However, you may experience some side effects after the procedure, including gum irritation and sensitivity. If these side effects persist, you should schedule another appointment with your dentist.

If you would like further advice and information about dental services, contact a local dentist. Your dentist will be happy to help and answer any questions you may have. 
