As orthodontic treatments have become increasingly advanced over the years, more adults are seeking this treatment to remedy oral defects that they have had to endure since childhood. However, it should be noted that orthodontics designed for children and teenagers are not the same as those designed for fully-grown adults. As such, you cannot simply walk into an orthodontist's office and demand a specific type of dental treatment without them establishing whether you qualify for it or not.
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If you have been diagnosed with periodontal disease, you might need laser gum therapy. This is a type of treatment that is done to gums suffering from advanced gum disease. Here are some things to know about laser gum therapy.
Gum Therapy is Done Before Scaling and Root Planing
One thing you should know about laser gum therapy, is that with severe periodontal disease, it is going to be one of the first treatments you get.
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Periodontal disease is gum disease that ranges from gingivitis to periodontitis. It is important that you see your dentist and get treatment as soon as possible, or it can worsen and cause many issues with your gums and teeth. Here are some different treatments that are available.
Scaling and Root Planing
This is often the first treatment done if you are found to have any stage of periodontal disease. It allows the dentist to remove all tartar and plaque from the tooth surfaces, both above and below the gumline.
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If you have red, swollen gums, or bleeding gums, you might have periodontal disease. This is a type of gum disease that affects your gums, teeth, and the deep tissues of your teeth. Here are some things to know about periodontal disease, including what treatment options are available.
There Are Different Types of Periodontal Disease
The first thing you should know about periodontal disease is that there are actually two different types.
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Teeth whitening is one of the most sought after cosmetic procedures for improving physical appearance. Modern whitening systems involve a bleaching product for whitening teeth and a laser system for increasing the effectiveness of the bleach. If you are seeking after a highly effective teeth whitening procedure, read on to learn how laser teeth whitening works and the pros and cons associated with this procedure.
How Does Laser Teeth Whitening Work?
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