If you require a dental crown for your oral health, you should keep in mind that not one type of dental crown would be suited for all oral health solutions. This is why there is a variety to choose from to ensure that not only will the crown be the most suitable option for you, but also that you can find something that would be within your budget. If you need more than one dental crown, you can even opt to use a combination of the different crowns available to ensure that your needs are met.
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Dental veneers are thin, tooth-coloured shells your dentist can permanently attach to your front teeth. These veneers can make your teeth appear straighter, longer, shorter, less pointed, whiter or smoother, and they promise to cover a range of cosmetic issues on your front teeth. However, teeth veneers are more than just a cosmetic improvement to your smile. They can also be an investment into your long term financial health. Here's a look at how:
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If you're about to receive your first set of full or partial dentures, you need to do everything you can to look after them. Dentures can be a significant investment and of course, they are vitally important in your day-to-day life. Sometimes it can feel like your dentures can change their shape or even their size. But how is this possible? In some instances it might be due to improper care on your part (which is very easy to avoid), or it might be a natural part of the aging process.
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Pica is a condition where people eat things that aren't foods and do not contain nutrients. The issue has been described since ancient times, and people with pica may eat clay, rocks, feces, fingernails and a long list of other items. Unfortunately, pica has been associated with wearing down dental enamel and a few other issues. Luckily, there are ways you can minimise the damage. Take a look at these ideas:
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There's no way that you can go wrong with dental hygiene, right? All you need to do is brush and floss. Unfortunately, those two steps aren't enough. If you're brushing but still suffering from toothache and other dental problems, you may be making some common mistakes. Here are the dental hygiene errors to stop making.
Brushing Too Hard
The blood from your mouth may not just be due to gum disease.
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