Because you can never tell when a dental emergency will occur, it is wise to stay prepared. Keep reading on below to familiarise yourself with some common types of dental emergencies and how they can be dealt with before seeing an emergency dentist for treatment.
Avulsed teeth
This is a dental emergency that arises when teeth are completely knocked out of their socket. This can happen due to trauma caused to a tooth when you've been hit or knocked in the mouth.
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As dentists refine techniques for inserting and maintaining dental implants, these permanent replacements for missing teeth are rapidly becoming one of the most popular forms of cosmetic dentistry. Dental implants often look more realistic than dentures, as well as feel more comfortable in the mouth. However, there is a small chance (around 4 percent) of dental implants failing and needing to be removed. Here are three steps you can take to reduce your risk of dental implant failure.
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Have you ever thought about replacing any of the teeth that you have lost over the years through decay or extraction? Sometimes you may have found it necessary to get one of your existing teeth pulled and may not have made the effort to look into a replacement. This is never ideal, and it's best to try and restore full functionality. What's the best option for you, if you want to put things right?
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It's hard enough to juggle your daily responsibilities without trying to squeeze in a little extra time for your health. Even when you do finally manage to rearrange your precariously balanced stack of priorities, there's little time to take a breath before you are needed again. A recent survey found that 48% of Americans believe they don't have enough time to do what they need to do, let alone want.
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