New Options in Cosmetic Dentistry

How Your Dentist Can Help You With Tooth Pain

Ah, tooth pain. No one ever wants to experience it, but if you're in the unfortunate position of dealing with a toothache, fear not. A visit to your dentist can help you find relief from uncomfortable tooth pains so you can get back to enjoying your life. Here are some steps a dentist will take to help you deal with tooth pain. Assessment Your dentist will start by taking x-rays of your mouth to get a better visual understanding of what is beneath the surface. Read More 

3 Dental Treatments: A Guide

When it comes to dental services, there are many different types of treatment available. This article explores three types of treatment offered by a dentist. Teeth Cleaning Even if you brush your teeth properly at home, hard deposits may remain and require professional cleaning. Regular cleaning at the dentist can help prevent gum disease and other problems. A dental hygienist will use a dental ultrasonic scaler and hand-scaler to clean your teeth to remove plaque and tartar. Read More 

Understanding How Alcohol Can Impact On Oral Health

Alcohol consumption has been linked to an array of health problems, but its impact on oral health seems to be mentioned less often. A weekend tipple is common with Australians, but regular alcohol consumption can increase your risk of developing certain oral health problems. If you enjoy a drink, it's a good idea to know the risks and ensure you keep up with your regular dental check-ups to allow any early signs of damage to your teeth and gums to be spotted by your dentist. Read More 

Can Someone Ever Be Too Old to Whiten Their Teeth?

Teeth whitening comes with some age restrictions. This isn't exactly a legal requirement—whitening kits aren't similar to alcohol or tobacco, and so there's no minimum purchase age. Dentists are hesitant to endorse teeth whitening for younger patients, as it's necessary to wait until a person's dental enamel (the outer layer of your teeth) has properly developed. This is usually during the teenage years, which is why whitening isn't recommended for young children. Read More 

Has Your Tooth Filling Fallen Out? Here’s Why You Shouldn’t Ignore It

Dental fillings are used to fill in cavities that result from mild to severe tooth decay. Fillings can last several years, but they have a limited lifespan. Tooth fillings that have lasted several years may start to chip and fall out. Dental habits such as vigorous brushing and biting down on hard substances can also weaken tooth fillings, causing them to fall out. Unfortunately, when this happens, you should replace the fillings immediately. Read More